Eight Effective Sales Tips to Controlling and Mastering Your Sales Pipeline

Thank you for joining the “Sales Expert’s Automobile’s – Sales Excellence – Training Series” where I share with you sales tips, techniques, and tools that must be included in your sales toolbox, and be used regularly, if you want to survive in today’s ever-changing business world.

Whether you are a salesperson, a sales manager, a business owner, or an entrepreneur, let me ask you this:

  1. Are you feeling drained every day, because you, and the people on your sales team, are always struggling to reach your sales targets?
  2. Do you want the micromanaging to stop?
  3. Aren’t you tired of paying your sales team to under-perform every month?
  4. Want to know why they are failing, and where they need help?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then following the EIGHT EFFECTIVE SALES TIPS TO CONTROLLING AND MASTERING YOUR SALES PIPELINE, will help you, and your sales team, to make more sales and make more money.

Before we start, I think we can all agree that our sales must be consistently increasing if we want to survive in today’s business world. We have to always be moving forward.

By a show of hands, how many people here have ever run out of gas while driving in a car? 

  • You let your gas gauge go below the red line that you were warned never to go past.
  • Which have you now looking at your gas gauge, and then the road, the gas gauge, the road, gas gauge, road, every 10 seconds, like this will help, while you are mentally freaking out inside, and hoping a gas station will magically appear soon.

Then it happens! no gas, no power, no movement.

Now, a picture that your sales pipeline, is like the gas tank on your vehicle.

  • To get to your destination, you need to keep your gas tank, or your sales pipeline full.
  • It’s really that simple.
  • Or is it?

Here are a few ‘Sales Pipeline’ Facts:

  1. Your sales pipeline is like a revolving door. Think of it as the product that is in your local grocery store. The produce is constantly being replaced with new every day. Replaced because it was purchased by their customers, or removed by their staff because it was rotten. You cannot achieve your business goals if you are keeping rotten produce on your shelves, just like you cannot achieve your sales targets if you are keeping rotten prospects on your sales pipeline.
  2. Next, If you lie on your sales pipeline, remember you are only lying and hurting yourself and your family, and your sales team, and your sales manager, and the people that work there that are depending on you, and the company that hired you. Get the point?
  3. Not every prospect on your list will close.
  4. You will lose some deals to competition.
  5. Some prospects will put their decisions on hold.
  6. Some will lose interest in you, and your solution.
  7. Some prospects should not have ever been on your list.
  8. And, it is up to you to keep your sales pipeline full with ten times your yearly sales target.

So, where do you find these new prospects to fill your sales pipeline?

  • The best way to keep your sales pipeline full is by continuously prospecting.

And, since sales is a numbers game, let’s look at this logically.

  • If your yearly sales target is $1.2 million dollars, or $100,000 dollars each month,
  • Knowing you will have slower months, you will lose deals to competition, and deals will be put on hold.
  • How will you ever reach your sales quota, if you only have $100,000 dollars on your sales pipeline, to sell $100,000 dollars each month? Let’s be honest, you can’t and you won’t.

My message to the many people that fall under this category, is please do not accept this low, unsuccessful standard from yourself, anymore.  You are better than this.

Personally, I do not want my sales numbers, my sales activity, and my reputation, to ever be below standard. This is unacceptable to me, and should be to you as well!

I do not want to struggle to reach my sales quota every month, and constantly be stressed out; like the majority of the salespeople are today. And then bring my under-performing negativity home to my family every night.  They deserve better.

My challenge to you is this, to never be satisfied with providing below-standard performance, ever.

“Concentrate on what you do well and do it better than anyone else” is motto that we should all follow.

Remember, if you are not doing 1% more, then you are doing 1% less.

So Let’s Get To It:

Here are your EIGHT EFFECTIVE SALES TIPS TO CONTROLLING AND MASTERING YOUR SALES PIPELINE, to help you exceed your sales targets every month.

  1. Never stop prospecting, a full sales pipeline equals a successful and profitable sales career.
  2. Your sales pipeline is constantly changing, so remember to update it regularly. Be proactive, and never reactive.
  3. Focus on the opportunities that you will close, rather than the ones you will not.
  4. Make sure that you cover the lost revenue from the prospects you sell, or remove, with new potential revenue.
  5. Always maintain a healthy, and strong pipeline. No rotten produce.
  6. Master your sales pipeline, and you will master your sales results.
  7. Keep your sales expert automobile’s ‘gas tank’ full at all times.
  8. Prospect, prospect, and then prospect more. This is the life-blood that keeps your sales career alive, active, and healthy.

And your bonus tip, Always keep your CRM up-to-date with ALL your activities, no excuses accepted.

Now you know that keeping your sales pipeline constantly full is a sales skill that you must master if you want to be successful in today’s ever-changing business world.

To get more effective sales tips, AND get the help that you have been looking for to help you sell more, please subscribe below to receive my latest sales training videos, and then visit my website….the Sales Expert Academy…at www.johnperry.live

Let me know your thoughts and opinions.

And remember…
                               “Your Best Is Just Your Starting Point” John Perry

John Perry
Your Success Coach

The Sales Academy

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